
IBM Schools
Educating the Mind & Nourishing the Soul

Millions of bright, energetic, and promising minds miss out in the DRC, where not every child has access to education. And of those who attend school, only one in ten children go beyond seventh grade.
IBM Schools are helping to change that standard by bringing education and the gospel to eastern DRC.

More Than an Education. The K-12 Schools at Kitindi and Bukavu.

At both Kitindi and Bukavu schools, students taught by trained and certified teachers receive an education that will impact their future. They also receive the gospel of Jesus Christ, impacting their lives for eternity.

  • The village of Kitindi and the more than 70 smaller neighboring villages do not have electricity, running water, or adequate roads. However, the more than 500 elementary and high-school students at the Union Academique de Kitindi are so determined to receive an education that some walk up to 10 miles each day to attend school. 

  • Bukavu is the largest city in the eastern DRC, a region that for more than 25 years has been in the grip of internal wars fought by different militia groups. It is also the home of Complex Scolaire Amani. With an enrollment of 450 elementary and high-school students, the school has one of the highest graduation rates among the country’s schools.

Supporting Our Students

The cost of educating one student is just $90 per month. This covers books and other materials, one meal per day, and a share of the expenses associated with running our facilities and paying our staff. 

Would you consider making a monthly donation for the shared support of our students? Or perhaps $90 per month to cover the costs of a student for a whole year? 

Expansion Plans Are Underway

As demand for IBM schools grows, plans are underway to construct ten additional classrooms, a school library, playing courts for volleyball, basketball, and soccer, and a school office.